Adult Pickleball every Sunday from 5:00-7:00 (ish)pm.
Open format with singles or doubles. Four courts available, rotate in and out. Switch partners or stay with the same person.
Punch card is good for 10 sessions. Non transferable and non refundable.
$3 per session, 10 for $25 with the punch card.
Come to one session or come to every session.
I, a participant, in consideration of my being permitted to participate in the ISD 484 Pierz Community Education activity, do hereby agree to hold harmless the ISD 484 Pierz School District and their employees, board members, or agents from any and all liability for any personal injury, death, loss of property or any other circumstance which may occur from my participation in this activity. This waiver includes injuries which may result from the condition of the facilities and any improvements hereto. I authorize ISD 484 to disclose to the district's insurer, attorney, staff, coaches, participants and other personnel involved in this program the following information: name, address, email address and telephone number. This information shall be used only for the purpose of program administration.
I also give my consent for ISD 484 Community Education to use any photo or recording taken of my child (or person I am responsible for as guardian), or myself for future promotional or marketing materials. If I do not wish to be photographed or recorded, I will notify ISD 484 Community Education in writing by emailing the director.
You signify your acceptance of this consent as parent/guardian (if participant is a minor) or as the adult participant by choosing to register.